A Special Civil War Exhibit on Display at Our May 7 Meeting

In addition to the usual dinner option and lecture, a special exhibit, curated by Round Table members Alan Lowcher and Jack Stanley, will be set up in our meeting room.

In keeping with the dinner theme of our meetings, the items on display will be a brought-to-life reincarnation of an 1863 photograph (right) of noncommissioned officers of Co D 93 New York infantry dinner mess. The exhibit will include a basic cooking mess exhibit using original tinware and the oftenused Sibley tripod and stove.

The display will also include an original officer’s campaign desk with many officer accoutrements as well as several original uniforms, field gear, and an interesting local item or two.

And, of course, no display would be complete without a few regimental instruments to keep the troops marching along.

Consider arriving earlier than usual so you’ll have plenty of time to view the display before the dinner and lecture begins. And since you’ll be there early, why not stay on and join us for dinner?