Our first chance to save land at Seven Pines

I hope you'll march alongside us as we pursue the next, absolutely crucial phase of our landmark campaign at Gaines’ Mill and Cold Harbor.


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to permanently preserve the more than 332 acres at Gaines’ Mill and Cold Harbor, plus, the opportunity to save the first 12 acres ever at Seven Pines!


Please, let us explain more about this historic opportunity...

[VIDEO] Click here to join for an overview.

Over the past three years, we’ve steadily reached and surpassed major milestones with this multi-phase project, and now we are closer than ever to permanently preserving a nearly one-square-mile piece of two sacred battlefields! 


Securing this tract would create a 3.5-mile linear swath of protected ground at the Gaines' Mill and Cold Harbor battlefields. We can’t let this opportunity slip through our hands.


Please make a generous gift to help us preserve this significant land.


On the battlefield,

Garry Adelman, Chief Historian

American Battlefield Trust