Help Save “The Final Mile” at Franklin Battlefield

Our work has led to remarkable success stories in the preservation of battlefields. Among these stories is the inspiring transformation of Franklin, Tennessee. 

In the early 2000s, the Franklin Battlefield, once consecrated with the blood of Union and Confederate soldiers, was at risk of being lost to commercial development.  

Over the past two decades, we have worked tirelessly with local preservation groups to reclaim the Franklin battlefield and preserve this hallowed ground. Today, we stand on the brink of success. 

There is, however, a crucial missing piece in the heart of the battlefield: a 0.60-acre tract of land with a contemporary warehouse.

This tract at Franklin Battlefield is the final obstacle preventing visitors from experiencing the full magnitude of the Confederates' charge against the Union earthworks.

By securing this land, we can ensure that future generations truly understand the significance of the events that unfolded in ''Bloody Franklin'' on that fateful day. 

The cost of acquiring this small but vital property is an astonishing $5 million. Thanks to the collective efforts of local preservation organizations, Franklin's Charge, the Battle of Franklin Trust, and anticipated support from local and state government and the American Battlefield Protection Program, we are within reach of our goal. 

Today, we are reaching out to you for support to raise the final $100,000. 

Please make a donation and contribute to securing this critical tract of battlefield land in Franklin, Tennessee.

As a token of our gratitude, if you can contribute $64 or more, you will receive an exclusive Preservation Edition of Let Us Die Like Men: The Battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a lasting impact. Together, we can ensure that this precious piece of history is preserved for generations to come. 

'Til the battle is won, 

David N. Duncan, President

American Battlefield Trust

P.S. Give today and have your gift matched $50-to-$1. You'll help nearly complete the once-lost Battlefield at Franklin and preserve this land forever.